January 7, 2013 to be exact!
Boy or girl... not sure what it will be, but we are expecting Baby #3! I am exactly 12 weeks along and we are all super excited! I know y'all have been wondering where I've been considering I haven't had anything up here since Easter, and to be honest after about 8pm every night I am on the couch! It seems like when the clock hits 7:30pm, my body just starts screaming at me to sit down and by 8pm I usually give in and listen to it! Matt likes to call it my "night sickness"! Seeing as I usually get on the computer after that time to do blogging, etc., I've been a bit of a blog slacker lately! I promise I'll catch you up on all of our fun adventures we've been having, I just can't promise when!:) I am one of those people that loves being pregnant, no real morning sickness and hardly any complaints, but this time around the first trimester has been a little different for me. I still like being pregnant, and still don't really have any morning sickness, but I have been much more exhausted and actually a little anxious this time around. Kinda crazy, but true. You'd think the third time around I'd have this pregnancy stuff down, but I guess with two little ones to take care of too it's just a little different! If we are out and about doing things I usually don't even realize I'm pregnant(other than the belly I am already sporting - Yikes!), but if we are at home and night time comes I'm pretty much down for the count. I hope that lightens up here in the next week or two with the second trimester! I can't keep doing this 8pm thing! Other than that, it's been a great pregnancy so far. The doctors say everything looks great and the baby is developing just as it should be. Yay! I put a poll up during my last pregnancy with Sawyer, to see what everyone thought it was going to be, and it was a lot of fun, so I decided to do it again!
Just for the record, Hayden thinks it is a baby BOY and Sawyer thinks it is a baby DRUL! They are so funny talking about it. We told them right when we found out a couple of months ago and they have been great about keeping our secret! Who knew such little boys could be so good at such a big task! They are SO excited about getting a new little playmate! Speaking of playmates, I'm pretty sure that is why Hayden is SO sure it's a baby boy... he NEEDS another one to play with!:) It's crazy how all the little pieces of rice look so similar at that first ultrasound...

We are all super excited about adding another little Ronn! January will be here before we know it! Can you tell the boys like looking at their new little family member?!?

As crazy as it is letting them come to the ultrasound appointments with us, they really do like seeing their baby! It's really cute... minus how loud that one little tiny room can get with all four of us in there! On another note, I couldn't do a blog update without a few recent pictures of the boys having a little bit of summer pool fun! They LOVE the water! I promise to get back on the blogging wheel ASAP! Enjoy!