Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy 5 months Hayden!!!

This has most definitely been the best 5 months of my life! I love having a little one... being a Mom is such a great feeling, and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful baby. Watching Hayden grow and progress has been so incredible. He really changes everyday(I know I say that a lot, but it is so true!). I have some 5 month likes and dislikes for you...

What Hayden likes:
- Food - I know none of you would have guessed!
- His jumper - I mean LOVES! He actually even plays with all of the toys attached... it is so cute to watch! He often gets tickled and it is so funny to watch him laugh at himself(I am still trying to get a video of this)!
- Talking to himself - every morning and after most naps he will just lay in his crib and talk away to himself for at least 15 minutes before whining for us to come and get him. It is the most amazing thing to me that he can just lay in there after his nap or bedtime and entertain himself for a few minutes!
- His friends - he loves seeing other little kids/babies, they always seem to make him smile
- His sleep - he is not a happy camper if he gets to bed late or misses a nap(one he schedules for himself of course!!)
- Bath time - he has started playing with more toys now, and we are having a blast!
- His lovie - his best non-human friend!!
- His ocean play mat - he now gets the music to turn on all by himself... just takes a little kicking which he is great at!
- Mirrors - he never gets tired of his reflection
- Bedtime stories - I swear he pays attention to every single page!
- His keys/teething toys - LOVES them! Although he would put anything in his mouth, he seems to like these the most.
- Sitting up - he will be doing this alone without falling over in no time
- Car rides - always an option if napping at home isn't working!

What Hayden dislikes:
- Being told what to do - he likes letting us know when he wants something(like wanting to take a nap, etc.), not the other way around!!
- Dirty diapers - still needs it changed immediately!!
- His swing - I think he is slowly outgrowing it... kind of sad:(
- Alone time - yes, he still wants us to watch every little thing he does...

What Hayden is not sure about:
-Burping - he used to hate this, but he is starting to come around... I think he is realizing it allows him to eat more!
- His bouncer - he will use it while I am getting ready or doing laundry, but any other time he is way too cool for it!
- Being buckled up - sometimes he doesn't mind it, sometimes he screams the WHOLE time!!
- His blocks - he hasn't figured out how to get them in the correct holes yet, but he likes eating them!
- Tummy time - he is coming around!!!!! He will hold his head up and push up with his arms and legs, but it still isn't one of his favorites.

The list in my head goes on and on, but I have to stop somewhere with the blogging!! I can't believe how fast it all goes by... good thing we have a camera and camcorder so we can look back one day at the things we didn't take in the first time. Enjoy the new pics!

Funny face!

Mr. Blue eyes

Just reading my book...

Loving bath time!

Did you call my name Mommy?!?

Sydney can't decide if she wants to
watch the photo shoot or look outside!

Hayden wants to look outside!

Tired of taking pics...

Talk, talk, talking!!!

Mr. Happy!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Hayden you are SO cute! Thanks for being my friend. I can't wait until we can run around together!

Love you,

Ellie Heglin