Monday, December 14, 2009

On Christmas Card, On Decorating, On Pink Pig, On Santa...

We had so much fun with Priscilla!

Mommy and Daddy are tired!!:) Yes... we have done each and every one of those things in this one little week! One word, BUSY! I finally got our Christmas card ready... now I just gotta address them, stamp them and stick them in the mail. I'll just be happy if everyone gets them before actual Christmas day! I've uploaded some pictures we took but didn't decide to use on the card, but you'll have to anxiously await by your mailbox to see the "chosen" pics!:) On to decorating... that has been almost as big of a task as planning a birthday party. I love getting up all of the Christmas decorations, but it is SO much work. I thought it was a lot of work before Hayden came along, so you can imagine what I am thinking this year. Thank goodness for the make shift playpen(created by Gigi) or I really couldn't have gotten it all completed. So far only one ornament and a spoon rest has gotten broken. Amazing huh?!? Now that everything is up off the floor it is a little easier, but when I was first getting everything out and put up I was a "no, no" machine!!:) Hayden now knows what he can and cannot touch. That does not however keep him from going over to the "no touch" items and trying desperately to catch us not watching him so he can sneak in a quick touch!! I took some pics, but still didn't get everything. As a matter of fact I don't even have a picture of the outside lights... and Matt spent hours out there making it look great! I'll have to get one so you can see it! I'll do my best to remember that and the trees in the bedrooms... so cute! And to think, it only takes 87 batteries and 26 extension cords to make it all work! This past Monday we went down to Lenox to take Hayden on the Pink Pig and to see Santa. It was so much fun! He actually seemed to understand and enjoy the Pink Pig, but Santa was a totally different story. He was not too fond of Mr. Claus. I always looked forward to getting to go on the Pink Pig as a child and hope it can be a fun tradition to carry on with Hayden. So far, so good! He loved all of the bright lights and colors. After our ride on the Pink Pig, we took Hayden to visit Santa. I kind of guessed he would not be too excited about sitting on his lap, but just HAD to take him! It wasn't quite the meltdown I anticipated, but the tears were there. One day he'll enjoy seeing his crying pic!:) I almost forgot to mention we had Hayden's 1 year check up this week too! Did I mention earlier we were really busy?!? Ha! He weighed in at 20 pounds and 15 and 1/4 ounces and measured 28 and 3/4 inches. He was right around the 25th percentile on everything and Dr. Papciak said he looked great. We also started him on whole milk this week. So far he has only given up his lunch time formula bottle, but we are slowly getting rid of the others! He is doing great with the sippy cup and even better with table food. Yeah Hayden!:)

So, taking the pics for our Christmas card was a little bit of a
challenge(Hayden does best when I'm behind the camera),
but we still ended up with some shareable sho

So cute!

Sydney... our little elf!

Auntie May came to help us and we had
a blast playing with Hayd

Grandma and Grandpa came with us also!
Too bad we weren't taking pics for their
Christmas card... how cute is th

And who would have guessed he did this next?!? Ha!

Bad lighting, but cute pic with her hat on backwards!

I love this one... we were having such a good time.
Or were we just trying to keep Hayden hap

We had ourselves a Hayden sandwich!!!

Daddy and Hayden having fun looking at the ornaments!

Huge tree huh?!?

I love his facial expression in this one!

Profile pic!

Helping Mommy and Daddy decorate the tree!

The make shift playpen that helped me get up the decorations...

Until he figured out how to "superman" over
the totes and I had to get a real play yard!

The tree is complete...

And it makes for cute pictures!

Gotta love the Christmas overalls!

Is this the Christmas spirit or what?!? HaHa!

Another one of my Mom's crafty
creations... cool h

I got a little crazy this year and even got the
chickens in the kitchen ready for Christmas!

The Swarovski tree!!

A few other fun decorations...

Here we come Priscilla!

The sweet conductor let Hayden sit on
her nose so we could take a pi

And we're off...

He loved his trip on the Pink Pig!

Ready for lap 2!

This is the retired Priscilla I rode when I was a kid!

Waiving to Gigi!

Doesn't Matt look hilarious crammed
into this teeny tiny kid size sea

Waiting to see Santa...

Big present huh?!?

Trying to figure out this Santa thing...

Maybe next year!!!

At least Santa didn't traumatize him...
he was happy and ready for a picture
as soon as I got him off Santa's lap!


Kimberly said...

Busy, busy!! I love all the pics. I just CAN'T wait until my Christmas card comes in the mail. Mine are going to be late this year too! I had to work hard to get a pic. of Ellie.

Tiz said...

I LOVE Christmas pictures-- especially when you have a kid as cute as Hayden in them. The Santa pic made me laugh so hard!!

Gigi said...

What a fun time we all had! I loved being there when he rode the Pink Pig for the first time....brings back wonderful memories of taking y'all so many years ago!!