Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Laugh Heard Around The World...

OK, so Hayden is our little laughing machine. He laughs out loud more than any child I have ever met in my life. And, it is the loudest laugh ever... I am sure they can hear him in China! The smallest things can get him laughing and there is no stopping the roar! It is so cute. I have been wanting to get it on video, and finally managed to make that happen recently. He laughs at Sydney(especially when she is "playing" with him by pulling off his socks), he laughs at my dancing ability, he laughs at funny faces, he laughs so hard I know his belly hurts when you tickle him, he laughs if you laugh, he laughs if you copy him(no matter what it is he is doing), he just laughs and laughs and laughs. In this video he is laughing because I am being grossed out by his smelly socks! I am literally just picking up his socks and putting them near my nose and saying "Ewwwwwww" and he is getting so tickled. Needless to say we laugh quite a bit at our house. You know I read somewhere that laughing keeps you young, so maybe Hayden is just helping to keep us young! Whatever it is, we really enjoy it! He truly is the happiest baby! Anytime you need a smile or just a little pick me up, this should give you a good laugh...

Keep laughing Hayden, we love it!


Tiz said...

Soooo cute!!! I am so glad you got the laugh on camera. It is precious.

Kimberly said...

That is SO cute! Nothing better than a happy, laughing baby!!! :)

Gigi said...

I love how you laugh all over, Hayden! Very contagious!!