Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cupid's Cookies

All this just to make a little dough?!?

I have been wanting to make cookies with Hayden for quite a while now, and a couple of days ago we FINALLY did it! Valentine's sugar cookies to be exact... we named them Cupid's Cookies! Boy was it fun! Messy, but fun. I'm not quite sure it was one of my greatest ideas to try to make cookies with an active 14 month old, but we did it none the less. Hayden is always attentive and interested when I'm cooking, but he was especially interested in the cookies. I made the dough while he played in the tupperware cabinet, and then put it in the refrigerator while he was napping so we could use our cookie cutters as soon as he woke up. I had the dough all rolled out and ready for him... just close enough for him to reach. I showed him how to use the cookie cutter, placed it in his hand, and what does he do? Politely puts down the cookie cutter, picks up a huge clump of cookie dough, and puts it in his mouth!:) I don't know what I was expecting... it is yummy after all. But, because of the whole raw eggs thing I wasn't crazy about him eating it until it was cooked. Needless to say he still managed to get a little into that tummy of his! We did manage to get a cookie cut together, but I must say I did most of the cutting myself! At least he knows what making cookies is all about now... even if he didn't make many of them himself! I am pretty sure he had more fun playing in the tupperware cabinet than making the cookies, but I'm sure it'll grow on him! One thing is for sure, he LOVED eating them!!

This is what Hayden did the entire time I made the dough... and he
LOVED it! He could play in the tupperware ca
binet forever!:)

Smiling big for Mommy!

Helping Mommy cut the cookies...

I told you it made a big mess!!!

Eating the dough instead of creating the cookies!!

Ready to bake...

This is how happy he was once he got a little dough in his tummy!!!

The finished product... ready to eat!

We got tired of cutting cookies and just used to rest of the dough
to make a giant Mickey!:) Nothing to do with Valentine's,
but easy way to use the rest of the dough!!!

Enjoying our treat... one BIG bite at a time!

Chew, chew, chew, Hayden...

I thought milk with the cookies would be good,
but Hayden couldn't let go of the cookie long
enough to really enjoy his milk!!
Funny huh?!?

One HAPPY boy!

And this is where Sydney sat the entire time Hayden enjoyed his cookie...
right under the highchair!! She knows how to get her a piece of cookie!:)

Finally.... this is how I found Hayden after
our little cookie extravaganza. Who knew
toilet paper could be so entertaining?!?
By the look on his face it seems he
knew he was going to be in
trouble for doing this!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!


The Very Rev. Denise Ronn, Ph.D. said...

I love the toliet paper picture. Boy, does he not take after his dad.=)It is great you make these special moments with Hayden even if they take more time and energy from you, they are worth it.

Kimberly said...

Adorable! I can't believe you let him eat cookies---I'm SO proud of you!!! :)

Happy V-day Hayden! Of course I have to say, I LOVED the PJs!!!

Tiz said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! The cookies look yummy. :-)

Gigi said...

Awe...the precious little rascal! I have a feeling in about 12 years you will be receiving calls from the parents of pretty little girls asking if your son rolled their home! Y'all did a great job on the yummy cookies!