Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's True...

The beautiful view from our backyard...

It snowed in Cumming, GA!!! Although it has taken me a little bit(okay, let's be honest... FOREVER!) to post this I figured since it actually did snow I had to dedicate a post to it. You've probably been hiding out underneath a rock if you didn't know snow came our way, but just in case you you've been super busy and forgotten to check the news or anyone who lives in Georgia's facebook status I'm gonna update you! We had a light snow about a month ago(an inch or less I think), but this past week we got a REAL snow(about 2-3 inches)! It was enough to grab your sled and take a ride down the hill... without even having to drive to Stone Mountain! It feels like it has been years since we have had snow and I remember it all the time when I was growing up. We would stay out in it as absolutely long as Mom and Dad would let us. I love it, so hopefully we'll see it more often! Matt had to work this past time it snowed, but Mom(Gigi) and I were able to take Hayden out and let him experience it. What an experience it was! You know the kind of experience I'm talking about right?!? The one where it takes longer for you to get ready to go outside than you actually spend outside!!:) Yep... that kind! Hayden was warm... that's for sure! I almost think he was probably too warm!! If you are even in the need of a good story just ask Gigi or I to tell you all about putting on Hayden's snow boots... HILARIOUS! My Mom kept the sled we used when we were growing up(back when it snowed every year in Georgia!), so she brought it up here so we could pull Hayden around in it! He wasn't crazy about the snow, but he LOVED being pulled around in the sled. If only he weren't so heavy to pull around! I'm sure if Daddy would have been home we would have taken him for a ride down the hill, but Mom and I weren't attempting that. Sorry Hayden, we'll do that on the next snow day!:) We tried to make a snowman, but even that proved to be too hard with a little one that didn't want to get off the sled! Again, maybe next time! Sydney was in absolute Heaven... she LOVES the snow. She will roll around in it for hours if you let her... snow jacket and all!!! Enjoy the pics...

I told you... she LOVES it! Thank goodness for the jacket
or we would have one sobbing wet little Syd

This was after the first snow... he was really just checking on
Sydney, but I like to say he was checking out the sn

Just ridin' around...

Okay, so they BOTH loved being pulled around in the sled!!

Footprints in the snow... aren't they so teeny?!?

Would you say this is a face of disgust or what?!? I am pretty
sure he was not crazy about sitting in the snow!!

And not too fond about walking in it either...
maybe because this kept happening!!!

I have no idea what happened to the camera when
taking this picture... some type of exposure
problem, but I think it looks cool,
so I just had to include it!

Trying to make our snowman...

I told you it didn't last very long... I guess Mr. Snowman
will have to wait until next time!:) Sorry Frosty!

Sydney even got a solo ride... lucky girl! And I must add that she LOVED it!
If you look closely you can see the snowballs that accumulated on her feet.
It was crazy... she looked like a poodle instead of a maltese! Needless
to say she had to have a warm bath when she got in!:)

Finally, a semi-happy face!! Maybe next time
we'll get a few more with the smiley face!:)


Kimberly said...

Looks like you had fun!

Gigi said...

Oh the memories! I still laugh out loud when I think about what it took for us to go outside for 15 minutes! I will never forget walking in Hayden's room finding you wrestling with the smallest pair of snow boots I've ever seen! I feel certain Hayden thinks going outside to "play" in the snow is secretly some type of "time out"!~

Tiz said...

Oh I miss the snow! Hayden looks adorable in all of his gear.