Friday, September 24, 2010

First Day of "School"!

All grown up...

OK, so really it is just a Mom's Morning Out program that they call school, but I like it better calling it school too, so we will just keep on calling it that!:) Hayden had his first day of school back on August 24th, but I am just now getting around to posting about it. Sorry! There is just something about taking him to "school" that is just so grown up. Kind of sad really... I like our mornings together. It is only for 3 hours two days a week, but still a little emotional. I didn't think I would ever be a crier when dropping a kid off for their "first" day of something like school, and I did not cry taking him here, but by the time real kindergarten gets here I think I might be crying. Mostly because I don't think he will be crying and that is probably what will be the saddest. I couldn't get emotional leaving him this time because he was far too emotional about it. He seemed fine walking into the building(it is at Midway United Methodist Church), but when the nice lady took him from my arms to take him to his class it was all downhill. The crying began and must not have gotten much better as the morning progressed. Hayden cut We Wonder(that is the name of the program he is in) down to one and one-half hours on the very first day. I know he was proud of himself for having Momma called on day one. That's right... I had to go pick him up early on the Attachment is a real issue. Well, for us anyways. I can see this will not be an easy transition... unlike the toddler bed. The director, yes director of the school not his teacher, called me around 11am(half way through his day) and told me she thought he had had enough of a day(her exact words!), and if I could come pick him up that would be best. Naturally, when I got there, here comes happy Hayden running down the hall to greet me with a huge hug. So happy I had come to rescue him! He had actually fallen asleep in one of the directors arms while waiting on me to get there! Well, I spoke to both of the directors and they just told me he would eventually be fine and that we would try it again that Thursday. They also asked me if he had a lovie or a paci I could bring to try to help him with the transition, and since he doesn't take a paci I told them I would try bringing one of his lovies. Just so you know, I was not crazy about this idea, but decided to pack it in his book bag for Thursday just to see if it would help. Well... HE DID IT! He stayed all day on Thursday. All three hours!!! Although I didn't think the lovie was the greatest idea, it helped him make it through the whole day, so in the end I totally think it was worth it. I'm sure he'll be able to make it without it soon enough, but for now... lovie is going to school too!:) Oh, and just so you know... his lovie was in his hand at 12:30pm when we got there to pick him up. Yep, pretty sure they let him carry it around the classroom all day. But, his teachers did tell me he did great once he had his lovie(which was 5 minutes after I had dropped him off I am sure). No more crying from Hayden! Hopefully it will help school be a more positive experience. Anyways, I'm sure lovie has a few things he needs to learn as well!!! Oh, and they also told me he fell asleep again on Thursday. The teacher said he asked for his lovie and laid right down on the floor and went to sleep. Crazy huh?!? I guess they really wear him out!! The only problem is that when we get home he doesn't want to nap again. He thinks the little 30 minute cat nap he takes at school is enough to get him through the day... IT IS NOT! Hopefully he will start making it through the whole school day without falling asleep so that we can get this whole napping after school thing down soon!:) I'm just glad he's making it through the day without crying for now, we'll work on the napping thing later!

All ready to come downstairs...

Being silly as usual!

He looked so cute with his little book bag!

We took this pic right before leaving for his first day of school... so cute!

Let's get in the car already Mom!

He was so excited he was running into the building...

Making sure his friend Peyton was behind him of course!

Doing a little dance outside his classroom door(this was before he
realized he was going to have to go inside that door without me!)!

I tried to get a picture with him, but he had realized by this point he
was about to be left and didn't want any part of my picture!

He finally made it into the classroom, and this is him with Ms. Tanya.
I guess I should have known by his face here he wouldn't make it
the whole 3 hours on the very first day!!!

Oh, and I just had to post this picture. I thought it would be fun to take a post
day picture when we got home from school on the first day since we had
done a picture before going. Funny how his opinion of sitting next
to this book bag changed in a mere 2 hours!:) He wanted
absolutely NOTHING to do with it!

I must also mention here, since that first day, Hayden has made it successfully through all the other days. He even did great when I was in the hospital having Sawyer and Gigi had to take him. I thought this would be an absolute disaster, but he did great. He has also done great being dropped off via the carpool line instead of me having to walk him in to his classroom. Way to go Hayden! Oh, and he has also made it the last few weeks without falling asleep! So nice to get that afternoon nap at home!:) So, although the transition wasn't seamless, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be after that first day scare! It looks like school will be a positive experience after all! Oh, and check out this very first piece of artwork Hayden brought home for me this past week!

Future Picasso?!?

I was so proud! Of course it is hanging on our fridge!! And yes, for those of you that were wondering... I had tons of fun washing the paint out of his clothes and off his body!:)


Tiz said...

He is already the smartest 21 month old I know...he will be the king of the school before you know it! That book-bag is adorable!

The Very Rev. Denise Ronn, Ph.D. said...

Such a cute big brother. Eventually, he will want to bring home all of his school friends. Look out Mom. Glad all is going well.