Monday, August 23, 2010

Last blast of summer!!!

Such a cutie!

Yes, we have been super busy running around getting in some last blast of summer activities. There is some type of activity going on all the time right now. I guess that's good because we won't be doing too much of that in a week or so when Sawyer gets here! We have had multiple birthday parties, a trip to Lake Lanier Beach and Water Park, tons of swimming and so much more. Although it has been a hectic past couple of weeks, it has been a great past couple of weeks at the same time. Hayden has been having an absolute blast in the water. He is getting much more brave and really loves splashing around. The pool is much less crowded now that school is back in session, and he has loved having it to himself a few mornings!:) Daddy and I like that as well... kind of nice for a change! When we took him to the beach and water park at Lake Lanier on the other hand... VERY crowded! But, Hayden loved it. There were quite a few different slides for toddlers and he had a blast going down them over and over. I'm not so sure Daddy had quite as much fun as Hayden though... he was having to help him go down those slides over and over! It was pretty cute how Hayden would go down once and then throw those hands up in the air just so Daddy would take him again. I think he could have done this for hours! Next time we go to a water park we will definitely make sure we can both assist in the slide riding!:)

He enjoyed it this much every.single.time!

It was so funny to watch Matt do this slide
behind Hayden... I laughed each and
every time. He just looked so giant!
Oh, and Hayden thought he was
big stuff because Daddy didn't
have to "help" him!


Not only have we been having a blast in the water, August has also been the month for birthday parties! Boy has Hayden loved it! Matt has had to work most of the weekends we have had parties, so my Dad came along to help me out with Hayden. I'm pretty sure Hayden thought he had hit the jackpot.... not only did he get to go to all these fun parties, he got to do it with Grandaddy!:)

Having so much fun on the carousel at Alexander's birthday party!

Waving to Momma...

This was at Hayden's second cousins Dirk and Hurley's
skating party... and boy did he love it!

Although we didn't put skates on his tiny little feet,
he went out on the rink just like everyone else! He
never noticed he didn't have on skates... he loved
it! Oh, and he really loved the lights and music!

This was his version of skating. He would actually scoot his
feet on the rink floor just as if they were rolling like
everyone else. It was so funny to
watch.... very entertaining!

Now on to the pool....

Like father, like son!

Matt and Hayden have been having so much fun at the pool playing with the coconut tree and the mushroom. I haven't been doing too much of the getting up and down and running around with them at the pool, but I have had fun watching and taking pics! I am just a little too pregnant for all the running around our crazy little man likes to do at the pool! I do just fine sitting in the shallow and watching them have a great time together though! Hayden does however demand I take part in the activities every now and then, so we have also done our fair share of swimming and jumping off the side!

I'm not too sure what we were doing here, but as you can
see he has really been enjoying his pool time!

Especially the time spent under the mushroom!

He loves chasing Daddy around the mushroom...

And even enjoyed standing right under it and getting splashed!

He even decided to crawl one day... who
knew crawling would be fun again?!?

Taking time out to wave to Momma!

A fun game of catch the bucket...

Such a good throw!

Can you tell he thought this game Daddy created was the funnest game ever?!?

I was smiling for the camera, Hayden was growling like a lion!:)

Swimming with Daddy...

Giving the sweetest little kiss!

He finally learned he could touch in the 2 feet of water... not just the 1!

But still enjoyed jumping from the 1 foot ledge
much better than walking down it!

And jumping off the side of the pool even better than that!

Our cute little frog all dried off and ready to go home!

Until next time...

I guess we could find ourselves at the pool one or two more times this summer, but with Sawyer's pending arrival any day now, I figure my last blast of summer title is probably pretty accurate! Don't worry though, if we do manage to make it out for more fun in the sun before our newest little addition makes his arrival I will be sure to update you!:)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I love the title and the post! Looks like you guys are having a great time!!!