Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cookies for Santa!

Yes, I even let him help me crack the egg!! Scary huh?!?

Remember how important it was making the cookies for Santa when you were younger? Well, I guess that is a little tradition I will carry on. We have left Santa cookies each year, but this is the first year I think Hayden had any idea what was actually taking place. We have been talking about making Santa cookies for a couple of weeks now, and he was totally into it when the time finally came! He really seemed to understand what he was doing and wanted to be sure to be a part of each and every step! A little messy... yes, but SO fun! Of course Sawyer didn't quite understand who he was making cookies for, but he still had fun being a part of the process!

And by being part of the process I mean sitting at the bar
with us and eating his snack!:) Ha, ha! Just kidding...
he did get to help a little with the decorating
and eating part!!!

Pouring in the cookie mix... we were limited on time this year so
completely homemade was out of the question! This was as
close as we were going to get. As good as they turned
out I'm not too sure I'll ever go back
to totally homemade!:)

Such a big helper!

And a super cute one at that!:)

I did let him help me crack the egg, but I am the one who actually
pulled it apart. He was extremely excited about the entire
egg cracking process. Maybe next year I'll let him
try doing it all alone! Yikes!

Checking out how well his spoon was working...

Can you tell we had fun?!?

Cutting our cookies!

Let the decorating begin!!! I love that Sawyer
was able to join in the fun for this part!

He enjoyed getting to take part in the decorating of Santa's cookies,
but even more than that... he LOVED having his fingers covered
in sprinkles that he could lick!:) In this pic he
is saying "See(as in see the sprinkles
on his hands)... Mmmmm!"

Hayden got very into the decorating process...

Sometimes putting on sprinkles just one at a time!
Imagine how long that would have taken...

Cookie man hard at work!

The finished decorated product ready to go in the oven!

I would like to note here that making the snowmen cookies were definitely Hayden's favorite. He would have made all snowmen had I let him, but truth be told they were a little more difficult to make than the other shapes so I had to limit him! I told him Santa would want a variety and he finally agreed with me and opted for something other than snowmen shapes. I think they all turned out super cute. I'm so glad this is something we can enjoy doing together as a family, and I know Santa is going to go crazy when he gets the boys yummy cookies!

Getting the carrots ready for the reindeer!

Come and get it Santa... we're ready for you!

The boys sure enjoyed theirs!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas tomorrow. Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

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