Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bundle of Joy!

The serious face...

Isn't he just so cute all bundled up?!? And, as far as the joy part... he is full of that bundled up or naked as a jaybird! He can make you smile on your worst possible day. It's so cold right now the only way to go outside is to look like you are ready to head down the ski slope. Well, minus the ski pants! It does make for some really cute pictures. Hayden loves to be outside so I try to get him out there as much as possible. Right now it is only for a few minutes at a time because it is so icy cold. Maybe that means snow this year(don't hold your breath people!). We thoroughly enjoy the little bit of time we do get to spend outside. I think Hayden likes the cold weather just as much as I do!:) He never seems cold... no matter how frigid his hands get! Oh, and don't even think about putting gloves on. Off they come! He will however keep a hat on for a minute or two. Longer than the 1/2 second he will keep one on indoors! I guess he does want his head to stay warm!! And, he really likes the wind to blow his direction. He gets a giant smile or even lets out a little laugh every single time it blusters by him! One day we are all going to have so much fun skiing/snowboarding down the big mountains together. I can't wait!


Shots from behind... don't you just love
the puffer vest and jacket?!? So cute!

Saying "Hi" to Mr. Snowman! Too bad the sun was directly in his eyes...

One, two, three... say cheese for Mommy!:)

Big belly!!

And this is the face I get when the hat
comes off... so proud of hi

Still sporting those chubby cheeks!

Using the fence as a walker...

Watching Sydney play...

Always has to show Mommy that tongue...
it is cool you know!!

Cut those eyes and grin boy. That is what I told him to do here! Ha!

Sweetest boy ever!

Look at all those teeth!

He spotted something...

And this last one has nothing to do with being cold outside but I just had to include it because it was so cute! This past week we took Hayden to Toys R Us because they do a mini birthday celebration for the kids during their birthday month. We had absolutely no time closer to his birthday so we figured better late than never! They gave him a birthday crown and balloon and made an announcement for him over the loud speaker. We had a good time with it! Of course we couldn't leave without a toy... those Toys R Us marketing people know what they are doing!!:)

The crown stayed on for 5 seconds MAX...
I told you he doesn't do hats indoors!:)


Kimberly said...

Very cute pics. of that sweet, sweet boy! Ellie loves it outside too! However, her mommy does NOT love the cold--maybe she can come play with you guys!!! :)

Tiz said...

Boy they grow up fast, don't they? He keeps getting cuter!! All of those facial expressions just kill me.

By the way...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jenn!!!

Gigi said...

Love all the outside pics! Have you ever seen anyone wear a puffer vest better? The post title is perfect...he is truly a bundle of joy!!!