Friday, June 25, 2010

Our Little Helper!!

Learning early!! He was actually wheeling us the new
flowers to plant... sweetest boy!:)

OK, I am going backwards with this post, but when I came across these pictures and realized I never got around to posting them before we went out of town, I just had to include them! After all, it was so sweet of Hayden to help us with the flowers... and the pictures of him doing it are too cute to leave out! I know I still haven't updated you on the rest of our vacation, but don't worry... I'll have all those up soon too. At the very end of May, right before we left for vacation I finally got around to getting up the fall/winter flowers and putting in the spring/summer ones. A little late huh?!? We just got so busy that we never got around to it, and I was determined to get it done before we went out of town. You know what happens when I get my mind set on something... it gets done!:) Lucky for me, Uncle Troy was able to come help me with it and we had the much appreciated help from Hayden!!! It was so cute to watch him help. It made planting so much more fun! He would put the old flowers in the wheelbarrow for us and bring us the new ones to plant. He even tried to help us dig up some new holes! And, Gigi got him his own sized wheelbarrow to use, which he loved. I'm sure he will get lots and lots of use out of it in the future! Here are a few pictures from our planting day back in May!

He really got into his new tools. It took him no time to know exactly
what to do with them, and he was more than happy to help.
Aren't we so lucky to have such a big helper?!?

Searching for the perfect place for a new hole!

See what I mean about helping us get rid of the old flowers... he would
put them in his bucket and take them over to the wheelbarrow!

OK, so the wheelbarrow was a little big for him, but he still managed to get them in! When Gigi gave him his mini-wheelbarrow he was set!:)

We tried taking this group pic after Hayden was more than finished
so we didn't get his best smile, but at least we got the shot!
Fun times!

Thanks a million for your help boys. The new flowers are huge now and look great! Can't wait till next time!:)


Kimberly said...

So sweet and cute!!! I love it that he likes to help!

Tiz said...

What a good helper! He looks like a miniature granddaddy out there in the yard. :-)