Monday, December 13, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond...

Our Little Birthday Boy!!

Yep, we went all the way to infinity and beyond for Hayden's second birthday party! Hayden absolutely loves all of the Toy Story movies(especially Buzz!), so it was the perfect theme for him this year. It is a little hard planning him a party at the house because of the unpredictable weather here during the end of November/beginning of December, but it ended up working out fine. A wee bit cold... but okay in the end. Lucky for us, the backyard gets plenty of sun, otherwise it would have been impossible. The kiddos were able to bowl with Buzz, ride horses like Woody, find treasure in the Prospector's gold mine, and a few other fun Toy Story themed activities as well. Hayden had an absolute blast. The only problem was getting him to want to come inside to do things like open presents and eat cake! We did finally manage to sing him Happy Birthday(which he absolutely loved!), but we never did get him to open those presents! Maybe next year!:) I thought he would be so into the present opening, but boy was I wrong. He wanted nothing to do with it until the next day. And truthfully, he didn't really even want to do it then. We finally managed to get them opened up on his actual birthday, and he did seem to enjoy that. Nothing quite like I had imagined in my head, but he did open them. Maybe Christmas morning won't be as wild and crazy as I had expected!!!

Hayden liked all the fun games he had at his party, but he liked none
of them quite like he liked this ball pit. It was so simple, but proved
to be the most fun for him! It was kind of a last minute thing
for us... thank goodness we decided
to go ahead and do it!:)

And thank goodness he had Harrison there who seemed
to enjoy it just as much as Hayden!

Fun, fun, fun!!!

We made him this little Toy Story bowling lane for his party...

Bowl, Hayden, Bowl!

This was probably his second favorite thing to do, but he couldn't quite figure out why it wasn't always his turn, which posed a slight little problem! I promise I had been telling him how he was going to have to share his bowling lane... it just obviously didn't work!! Oh, and he always wanted to knock down all the pins if the person throwing the ball didn't get them all down. So, he was pretty much always in the way when it came to the bowling. At least he was a good sport and cheered on his friends! He was always clapping for them and cheering "Yay"!!! It was really cute to watch. I'm so glad we decided to make it... all the kids had a great time "Bowling with Buzz"!

Can you tell he was enjoying himself?!?

This was the part where he would go up and retrieve the ball from
where someone had missed and proceed to knock all the pins
down for them. Don't think he got the ball and took it to
where it should have been thrown from though... no
way, he just held the ball and knocked the pins
down by running over them. Silly boy!
I had to quickly intervene and let
him know he had to let
everyone knock down
their own pins!:)

And this was the part where he would clap and say "Yay"! So cute!

The kids enjoying the party!

The treat bags...

The invites!

Poor Sawyer missed the whole party. He was one tired little boy!:)

Yes, that M&M filled bowl became Hayden's cake for the party...

But he didn't seem to mind!

There was some sort of a little emergency with the lady who usually makes our cakes, so we were forced to come up with something pretty quickly when we realized the "real" cake wasn't going to make it to his party. Instead of having someone run to Publix real quick and get him one of those pre-made cakes, I decided to just use the M&M's I had set up instead. The M&M container was supposed to house rocket ship cake push pops which also didn't make it to the party, so I figured it was better to use the M&M's for something rather than just throw them out!!! I really didn't know what Hayden was going to do when I lit his #2 candle in this giant bowl, but he did great. He didn't care that it wasn't a cake, he just cared that there was something in there he could eat! He also loved everyone singing him Happy Birthday. He was smiling from ear to ear. Much different from last year!:)

This is what his highchair should have looked
like before I placed him in there!

Yes, the cake did make it to our house, it was just after the party was already over! At least Hayden did get to have his real cake on his actual birthday!:)

He couldn't get his eyes off that candle!

And he loved that we sang him Happy Birthday again!:)

See, it really wasn't supposed to be a big bowl of M&M's!!! There really
were going to be rocket ship cake push pops that were going
to fly Buzz to infinity and beyond!:)
At least my belly got to
enjoy them!

Something was really funny!

I think this picture is so funny. I told him he could have another bite of
the cake if he would smile for me. He wanted the cake so bad he
was not only smiling, but gritting his teeth! It was like he
was saying "Hurry up Momma and get your picture!"

Sweet boy!

Such a silly boy!

At some point during the party Uncle Dan decided to play this
little balloon game with the kids. They thought it was so
cool that he could get their hair to stand straight up!

And it didn't take long for Hayden to show
Uncle Dan that he could do it himself!:)

I got this crazy face at some point...

This was one of the only presents he would open at his party.
Thank you Uncle Troy!! Hayden loves a good book!

Eventually(and by that I mean 3 days later!) he did get into the present opening...

And he was one lucky little boy!

Like I said earlier, he didn't get near as excited as I thought, but once he started opening the presents he sure did like what he got! Thank you everyone for such nice gifts for Hayden. It was so sweet of everyone, and he loved them all! You all know me... I couldn't stop his birthday celebration with his party. I just had to take him to do something on his actual day as well! Matt was off work which was nice, so we decided to take him for a little mini trip to Chuck-E-Cheese and then headed to Build-A-Bear. He absolutely loves to play the games at Chuck-E-Cheese and he gets really into making the animals at Build-A-Bear so we thought this would be a perfect day for him. We were right... he had tons of fun playing all the games, and Build-A-Bear might just be a new birthday tradition(we did it last year too) because he really enjoys the whole building process!

Our attempt to get a picture with him at his party!

The birthday boy on birthday morning!


All ready to build a bear...

He loved watching the "bear lady" sew up Bumble!

And he loved giving Bumble his very first bath!

Picture time with Momma!

Off to the house with our new friend Bumble!

Extremely excited about something!

He was under the table playing alone with all of his balloons
when I got this picture. Obviously entertaining
himself just fine!

Bye, bye everyone!

Thank you to everyone who helped make Hayden's second birthday so special. He is so lucky to have such great friends and family to celebrate with!


Kimberly said...

Hayden you sure are one special little boy! Looks like you got lots a great gifts and had a wonderful party!!! Happy 2nd birthday little man!

Tiz said...

Can't wait to play with all those new toys when we come to see you this weekend. :-)