It's that time again! Bark in the Park! We generally do this once a year in May where we take Sydney with us to a Braves game, but this year we had to wait until September. I am thinking we may always wait until September from now on. Much, let me repeat, MUCH cooler. Therefore much more enjoyable!:) Don't get me wrong, it is always fun, but this time was just extra fun. For starters, it was Sawyer's very first Braves game which added to the already pumped up Bark in the Park excitement. It was also Bentley's(Uncle Troy's dog) first game, it was 20 degrees cooler than it normally is when we go, we had Hayden walking Sydney for us the entire day, we actually made it to the end of the game, and the Braves won. Doesn't get much better than that huh?!? It was awesome!
never gotten to go and be in charge of Sydney all day.
Pretty cool huh?!? He sure thought so!
I am not kidding you when I tell you he walked her almost the entire time we were there. With the exception of the 987 stairs we had to climb to get to our seats she was all his. Funny thing is, he wanted to be in charge of her then to... we just had to let Daddy take over to make sure we didn't have any tumbles!
met up with Uncle Troy... how hilarious
is this picture?!?
Hayden literally could not wait to get through those gates. He kept telling us "Hurry, hurry!" I'm pretty sure it's because Hayden knew this would be one of his best Braves games ever. As soon as he got out of the car and realized he was going to get to be with Uncle Troy(his favorite!) the whole time he was pretty much set to go. It just put icing on the cake when he got to walk Sydney around! There is some kind of special bond between Hayden and Uncle Troy that you just can't put into words. Hayden talks about his Uncle Troy all the time and when they are together it is like there is not another person in the world he would rather be with. It's pretty awesome for Hayden! So awesome I intentionally do not even speak Uncle Troy's name around him because it is all we will talk about for days, and he gets so mad at me if we can't see him. I'm sure it won't be long before I have two boys begging me to go over the Uncle Troy's house, because Sawyer seems to have as much fun with him as Hayden does! It's probably because Uncle Troy does fun stuff with them like the tomahawk chop...
much fun doing the tomahawk chop as Hayden had this day!
Thanks for helping make it super special Uncle Troy!
Every year I call this event Sydney's big day because it is the one thing that she is actually allowed to come and join us for. As you know, most events make it very clear that pets are not allowed... including the Atlanta Braves on normal days. But, on this special Bark In The Park at Turner Field, the Atlanta Braves actually encourage you to bring your pet. And they encourage you to get your pets to howl rather than the normal trying to get you to hush them up! There was TONS of Ahhhhhhhh Ooooooooooo's being heard throughout the stadium! Daddy especially enjoyed helping Sydney do her version of the howl!:) It was so much fun to watch them do their thing! Sydney had tons of fun. She thoroughly enjoys herself on her big day...
Seeing as Hayden wasn't quite heavy enough, I knew there was no chance for Sawyer. He did however fit just fine in the huge red "photo" chair!
My child that used to love being held is always wanting "down" these days, so he was super excited when he got to move around this big chair all by himself!
I still managed to get a pic of the two of them together!
This is Hayden's newest "cheese" face!:)
Gotta love it!
reaching for. I guess the sweet stranger who was taking the
picture for us! Yes, that is how much he DIDN'T want
to take this picture! He currently will not even
leave Daddy or I to go to someone he
knows, but he would have clearly
left with anyone who would
have taken him from
this scene!:)
Although he wasn't crazy about taking the picture, he sure had fun with Daddy in his Bjorn...
seeing as he is always wanting to get down, but he
did great! He actually seemed to like it!:)
I'm super glad Daddy decided to bring the Bjorn because it proved to be a much better idea than just carrying him around all day. He can get pretty crazy when you are just holding him because he is always wanting down, so the Bjorn was definitely the way to go. We weren't sure if he was going to be too big or even tolerate the confinement, but he did great. As a matter of fact, he was perfectly content the entire time(minus the getting into it part!),which made it much easier on us. It gave us two extra hands!:) Of course he didn't stay in it the whole time, but we used it when we needed to and Sawyer was perfect! Good idea Daddy!
freedom from Mommy and Daddy!
Yes, you read that right. We let Hayden explore 1 and 2 rows down from us and boy did he think he was big stuff. He would sit in the chairs and cut his eyes at me in amazement that he was all by himself. It was super cool for him! Of course we couldn't do this normally because there would probably be people there and we wouldn't want him to bother them. But, with bark in the park it is a little bit of a different story because they leave lots of extra room for the dogs, which in turn meant lots of extra room for Hayden! Great fun!
One of Sawyer's favorite parts of the game... Daddy
helping him enjoy the game while standing!
helping him enjoy the game while standing!
Scary huh?!?
This pic has to go down in history as one of the worst pictures ever. I mean we had been outside for hours sweating, had gotten rained on, slobbered on, had things spilled on us and to top it all off Sawyer had a little spit up episode right after the Braves won. I guess all the jumping up and down and screaming wasn't good for the little tummy that had just had a snack!:) Sydney must have known how it was going to turn out because she didn't even show her face! And, Bentley was the only smart one. He just decided to sit this pic out!!!! At least it makes for a good memory!
This pic has to go down in history as one of the worst pictures ever. I mean we had been outside for hours sweating, had gotten rained on, slobbered on, had things spilled on us and to top it all off Sawyer had a little spit up episode right after the Braves won. I guess all the jumping up and down and screaming wasn't good for the little tummy that had just had a snack!:) Sydney must have known how it was going to turn out because she didn't even show her face! And, Bentley was the only smart one. He just decided to sit this pic out!!!! At least it makes for a good memory!
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Little athletes in the making!
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