Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hayden's "first" steps!!!

This was too cute for me not to share with everyone! The other day we were finally able to catch a video of what I like to call Hayden's "first" steps!

We really do think it is pretty amazing how well he picks up that left leg! How in the world did he know how to do that? One day we were just standing him in front of the mirror and off he went towards it... I guess he just wanted to get to that person he was seeing in the mirror! We never taught him to pick up his legs and move, it must have just been "baby" instinct. Whatever it was, we thought it was the cutest thing ever and wanted to share it with all of you! I have also been taking quite a few pictures lately, so I will post some of those for you to see as well. He is so funny taking pictures. He will be smiling and everything will be going great, then all of a sudden... chaos. He definitely knows when he wants to be finished! He has even fallen asleep during a photo shoot with Sydney!!

I'm getting tired Mama...

My big yawn

And that's all I've got...

Awake after my bath!

Asleep after my bath!

It looks like a pattern is developing here, huh?!? Matt and I get the biggest kick out of these pictures because we are literally snapping them one after the other and one minute he is smiling and the next he is asleep! I'm starting to think I should begin photo sessions when I need him to take a nap!!! We also took some cute pics during the Superbowl so I included a few of them below... enjoy!


Kimberly said...

WOW!!!! I loved seeing his first steps and what cute music!!!!

Tiz said...

OMG! That was the cutest video!!! I love the new pictures. I can't wait to see him again.

Unknown said...

Wow! Hayden looks great! I can't believe he got so big so fast. He is so adorable and so happy!

Jennifer said...

I love the video! I remember what it was like when Ty started walking. I know that it is so exciting, but, for your sake, I hope he is a late walker! The pictures with his big sister are adorable!

Gigi said...

I laugh every time I watch the video! His left leg certainly has the hang of it. He seems to have his great-granddaddy's rhythm!!