Thursday, August 27, 2009

Put me in coach...

OK, so Hayden loves to throw his toys and I just had to get a video of it! He will throw anything you give him, but when he gets a hold of his smaller toys he can throw them really far. He's practicing for his future baseball team already!! It is so much fun to play catch with him. He gets excited every single time he gets the ball. You can't really tell just how far they go in the video, but you can see how good he is at throwing them, and how happy he is during this little game! My favorite part is when he no longer has any toys close enough to reach them... he looks all around to make sure there are none within his reach, and when he discovers they are not he begins to pout! It is so funny. No, he doesn't try to go get them, he just puts that lip out in hopes that you will get one for him! In the video he is about to cry because I won't go get him one, but instead we start doing arms up, and then finally waving to the camera. I think you can make it out... he waves backwards so that he can see the wave himself!!!:)


Kimberly said...

How cute! I was just about to post a video of Ellie throwing her toys too! How funny! She can't throw them as far as Hayden---good arm!!!

Gigi said...

Oh my goodness....cutest thing ever! I was laughing so hard dad had to come see what was going on in here! He loved it, too of course. That pout of his is classic. I can't believe how early he started expressing his feelings in that way. And, he KNOWS if gets the result he wants. The precious little rascal! Gigi loves me some Hayden! I've grit my teeth so hard, I'm not going to have a tooth left in my head!

Tiz said...

OMG! So cute. I see a future Heisman trophy winner from the QB position... ;-)

Meghan said...

HAHAHAHA!!! This is always fun while babysitting when they come flying at your head! He really does have an arm on him! SOOOO cute