Thursday, February 11, 2010

I know I'm his Mom, BUT...

I can't be the only one who thinks he is the cutest thing ever!
You've gotta admit he takes a pretty good picture...

Our sweet little boy...

Ok, so the outfit is a little big. The next size
down is just too tight and short so
this will have to do for now.
It looks hilarious right?!?

I can't decide if this is my favorite or the first one.
His eyes get me every time!!

I just had to post these pictures because I thought they were so cute. Four little pictures give you such a great look into Hayden's personality. He is energetic, fun, strong-willed, mischievous, attention-seeking, independent, vibrant, funny, action filled, opinionated, and please don't let me forget to mention SMART. I'm pretty sure he's gonna be a nerd just like Matt and I! Again, I know I'm his Mom, but really, I'm certain if you were around him a whole day you would think these same things!!!:) Okay, maybe not to the extent I do(I'll admit I'm biased!), but I'm sure you would agree with some of them! There are times we are doing something and I truly think he thinks he is smarter than we are. HOW... I mean really, how in the world could something so small know the things he knows? And by know, I mean he actually knows he knows what he is talking about, doing, etc. He looks for no one to tell him he is right or wrong... he KNOWS. Yikes! I find myself shaking my head often throughout the day, and I know the day will come when he actually does outsmart me. What then?!? I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we get there! For now we are simply working on how to discipline a 14 month old when he blatantly does something you asked him not to do. I mean when we tell him no, no or not to touch something it is almost as if that makes him want to do it more. Definitely testing those limits!:) He wants what he wants and he wants it now... did you get that? I sure hope so because he does not, I repeat DOES NOT like to tell you the same thing twice. And he's not just smart when it comes to getting what he wants, he is very good at sorting shapes, recognizes a few colors, assembles blocks, puts a few puzzles together(the big ones with the big knobs), and we are even working on shapes/colors/numbers on flash cards. I didn't know you did those things at 14 months, but what do first time Mothers know anyway?!? He also loves to help. He will follow me around and try to help me from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. Laundry, dishes, picking up toys, trash, cleaning, cooking... he does it all. Mommy's big helper! The funniest thing to watch is him letting Sydney in and out to go potty. He stands at the door and calls for her/bangs on the door panel/claps his hands until she comes back in. I think he has heard us telling her to go potty and he is just trying to help, but to see him do it is just the funniest thing! The only thing is... he gets REALLY loud! Needless to say I am always happy when she comes in and he closes the door. Be as loud as you want when it is just me and you, but please, please don't disturb the neighbors!:) He is also cute with the dishwasher. You can barely get the stuff in there before he is either trying to take it out or closing it up. I have learned to do it very quick!! Hopefully he'll be this into "helping" Mommy and Daddy when he's old enough to actually help! Although he says very few phrases you can understand, I have a sneaking suspicion it won't be long before he is talking just as good as us, and maybe even just as fast. As much as it will be great when we can understand everything he is always trying to tell us, I'm not sure I want to hear it all! Like I said... he's opinionated! We're probably going to have to do lots of negotiating around here!:) I'm going to leave you with one more picture... Hayden and his Uncle Mike. We don't get to see Uncle Mike very often because he lives in Germany, but he came for a visit a couple of weeks ago and I quickly snapped this pic!

FYI... Hayden did not want to take this pic. He was done
taking pictures, but at least I caught him smiling.
Tongue out of course! He kind of
resembles Uncle Mike huh?!?


Kimberly said...

It's not just you! :) I think he is adorable too!!!!! :)

I had to laugh at the part about the dishwasher! Ellie does the same thing. She wants to hand it to me 1 thing at a time. Of course, I tell her 'thank you' after EACH thing. :) So fun!

Tiz said...

He is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen!!!!

Gigi said...

Precious...just precious! I'm certain he is fluent in his new found language. We just need to sign up for the course. He is getting tired of telling us something more than one time! Can you blame him? I know when he says, "gibiiw nadmr splup" he means for us to move that broccoli away from his face.