Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baby D

Hayden's special day!

We had Hayden dedicated at church this past Sunday, and it was a very special ceremony. We go to Browns Bridge Community Church and they have a process called Baby D there where you go through a little program and then have your child dedicated. At the actual ceremony, there was a little message, singing, food, drink, and we had tons of time to talk and pray with our family about our hopes and dreams for Hayden. The church had us go through quite a bit of preparation for the event and it was definitely worth it. It was great getting to share the experience with our family. Hayden was his usual self... he did great, but he was ALL over the place! There were about 30 families, so we weren't the only ones with an active little one, which made it not so bad!:) The cupcakes they had did help us keep him quiet and still for a little of the time. Of course he wanted nothing to do with the food or drink I brought for him, but the frosting coated cupcake was great!! Oh, and the stage... he LOVED the stage! I don't know if he just liked the fact that he was above everyone else or what, but whatever it was... he couldn't get enough of it! We took tons of pictures...

I love this pic of Daddy, Grandpa and Hayden... so cute!

And here's everybody!:)

We couldn't get the snack cup away from him long enough to even snap a pic!

The famous cupcakes Hayden loved!:)

Absolutely LOVING his time on stage!

And his time with Gigi's glasses!:)

One out of two looking at the camera isn't bad!:)

I think Hayden was too busy watching us up on the big screen!!!

He enjoyed reading his new Bible...

And REALLY enjoyed running with his new Bible!:)

Gigi did a great job getting pics of the photographer taking our family pic!
He even got one of the whole fam that came! I will post those
professional pics as soon as we get them back!:)

He needed this nap on the way home...

So we could eat these!

And open these!!!

Hayden enjoyed opening his presents, but the
tissue paper FAR exceeded the gifts for him!!
He just LOVES the paper! Gigi always says
she is going to give him a bag full
of tissue paper as a gift!:)

He did however LOVE his snow globe!

I had to leave this picture for last... it was definitely
my favorite thing he did during the dedication!!!!
Nothing is complete without a little meltdown!:)


The Very Rev. Denise Ronn, Ph.D. said...

All I can say is - awesome! Definitely a "man of God". Loved him with his Bible.

Gigi said...

Awe....loved this post. His dedication was so meaningful and special. He is a very blessed little boy to have parents that realize the importance of his spiritual upbringing.

Tiz said...

How sweet. What a perfect day!