Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We had the ultrasound, and....

IT'S A BOY!!! We are so excited! Based on the poll we did a few months ago, half of you were right, and half of you were wrong! It was split right down the middle... 50/50! It is going to be so much fun having a house full of boys!:) Challenging and crazy, but FUN! It took us a while, but we also finally decided on a name. We are going to name him Sawyer David Ronn. Hayden and Sawyer... cute huh?!? Another pretty cool thing is the fact that Hayden's middle name is Thomas, which is after my Dad, and Sawyer's middle name will be David, which is after Matt's Dad! We found out the sex of the baby on Matt's 31st Birthday, last Thursday! It was pretty cool getting to find out on his birthday. The ultrasound technician could tell what it was almost the instant she put the little wand on my belly. It was pretty awesome! It usually takes them a minute, but she must have put it in the perfect place because she could tell instantaneously! The pictures from the ultrasound aren't very clear because he was hiding behind the placenta, AND facing my back, but you can still see a little bit.

Ready to find out the sex of the baby!:)

I told you they were blurry... but you can see
where that arrow is pointing... IT'S A BOY!:)

Even though he was hiding, you can see his little face a little here!
Smiling with his hand under his chin!:)

After the ultrasound we went to eat for Matt's birthday. We went to a Japanese steakhouse and it was a lot of fun. The food was so yummy, and the people did a little birthday song and dance for Matt. They also gave Matt a little gift... some special chopsticks! It was so sweet! Hayden didn't like the fire, but he did good with the rest! He really loved the rice, and of course the icecream!:)

Matt taking part in his birthday dance!:)

Look how cute his little birthday dessert was!!

Grandaddy and Hayden cheering for the cook!

Group pic...

One more time... this time with Hayden smiling!:)


Life As A Coach's Wife said...

Aww. Congrats! You guys are going to have so much fun. And I LOVE the name!!!

Kimberly said...

Congrats!!! Love the name!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations Jennifer! Sawyer is a very cute name and it goes very well with Hayden!

Tiz said...

Yea! I look forward to having another nephew :-)

Gigi said...

Another BOY! Whoo Hoo! Granddaddy and I are looking forward to welcoming grand-baby #2! Hmm..when I think Hayden and Sawyer, I think mud-pies, fishing poles, tree-houses, bumps, bruises and mischievousness! Ha ha.....can hardly wait!