Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Late Night Braves Game!!!

Sweetest kisses I have ever seen!!!

And when I say late, I mean LATE! I never in a million years thought we would attempt a 7:50pm start time for a Braves game with Hayden at this point, but boy was I wrong. Not only did we take him to a game that had a late start, there was a forever long rain delay that made it an even LATER start, AND it was the night they retired Tom Glavine's old number so that made it an even later start. Needless to say, I was positive we were going to have to leave before the game made it to the second inning. Wrong assumption again on my part. We stayed until the eighth inning. Are we crazy or what?!? The whole reason we had chosen this game to attend in the first place was so he could see the Friday night fireworks after the game, so we were doing all we could to make it to see those fireworks. Well, as soon as it hit the eighth inning(which was 11 or 11:30pm I might add) they decided to make an announcement the fireworks were canceled due to the Fulton County noise ordinance. I am not exaggerating when I say they received the loudest boo ever and half the stadium got up and left. Finally! We were disappointed about the fireworks, but it really was time for us to leave anyways, so it worked out for the best. We had gone to the game with some friends of ours who also have a toddler and Hayden had a blast. He never even realized what time it was and how tired he was until he got into the car. Well, maybe right before we decided to leave he started getting a little crazy, but nothing like I thought it would be. I guess a late night every once in a while might just be okay. I think the key was having another toddler along to entertain him though!:) He has never stayed up that late, but I guess there's a first time for everything right?!? Oh, and the Tom Glavine tribute thing was totally worth it. It was super cool. The crazy thing is, we were late to the game and shouldn't have even seen it, but because of the rain delay we got lucky. I am so glad, because it was really neat to be a part of something like that. Especially for long time Braves fans like Matt and I!

They literally clapped and cheered on their Atlanta Braves
just like everyone else! Cutest thing ever!

And had tons of fun playing with these coke bottles they found on the ground!

Tons of fun!

Did I mention they had TONS of fun with the coke bottles?!?

I am not kidding you when I say they entertained themselves as well as everyone around them with these two empty coke bottles for.EVER! We are so lucky some fans decided to leave their trash for someone else to pick up. It's always the little things that entertain them for hours! Another thing both Hayden and Peyton enjoyed was running a base up in sky field. The Braves have a little kids area set up where they are allowed to run a base and we thought this would be the perfect time for Hayden to try it out. So, it was his very first late night out, and his very first time running a base!! He looked so cute out there running like a big boy...

Waiting in line with Daddy...

Run, Hayden, Run!!!

I love this one of Daddy helping him... so sweet!

Crossing the base...

I love the concentration on his face... he was serious about this!
Oh, and I was one proud Momma!!!

And yes, he kept right on running!:)

How cute do they look?!? You never know, you
might be looking at a future Braves pitcher!!!

These were supposed to be our silly faces...

Hayden just thought it would be funny to be silly in both pics!

Having a blast playing a little game they made up...

Although you can't see Hayden's face in this pic, if you could you would see what a huge grin he had the entire time he and Peyton played this little game of theirs with the seats. You'll just have to use your imagination... they certainly did! They would bang on them as if they were making music and then simultaneously push them up at the same time. Then they would bust out a huge roar of laughter! They would laugh so hard you would think they would have fallen over. And this went on over, and over, and OVER. Just like the coke bottles! I am so glad we didn't waste time bringing in any toys... they definitely didn't need them. They just needed each other!

We tried to get their picture in the huge coke bottle chair, and these were
the best we could get... I think they were just too tired from all their
playing to even think about striking a pose for us!:)
At least they had a good time at the game!

Silly Hayden!

I guess Hayden wanted to watch the game instead of look at the camera!:)

And this is how he looked almost the entire ride home... worn slap out!

He did enjoy watching the game though...

From many different angles!!

This boy had a great time...

And so did we! I must say it was unlike any other Braves game we have attended. It was filled with much more than baseball, and much more excitement than a regular game! Hayden was no doubt a handful, but it was so worth it to take him. Now we know a night game is possible, just not something I would want to do very often!:)

1 comment:

Tiz said...

How much fun!! He is going to love having a little brother to entertain. :-)