Friday, September 24, 2010

Belly Cast...

Such a sweet little man!

OK, only forever late posting these pictures. Am I behind or what?!? Can someone please tell me when I will catch up with my blog posts?!? Life with two is much busier, especially when Hayden is your first born. Demanding would be the best word to describe him right now!:) Sawyer on the other hand is pretty much a little angel. Eat, sleep, poop with a little tummy/play time in between is all it takes to keep him happy these days. We are SO blessed! I will have more updated pics for you soon, but for today I had to go back and show you the belly cast pics. Right before Sawyer was born, Auntie May came up and helped me(well the only part I did was be a belly model!) make this belly cast. I had thought about doing it with Hayden and never got around to it, so this time I wanted to try it out. Turns out it is quite a project, but super fun and cute. After he was born I couldn't wait to see if he still fit in that belly. It seemed impossible that a 9 pound, 11 ounce baby could have fit, but sure enough... in he went, and fit he did. He had himself a comfy little close fit, but it was a fit none the less. Look how messy the project was...

The making of the cast...

Very messy, but oh so fun!

I told you he still fit! I now know why my belly stuck out so far!:)

This is why I could feel kicks up to my chest!!!

This has to make you smile... cute little wink!;)

Ready to punch the next person who tried
to mess with his peaceful sleep!!!

Blowing bubbles!

Sweet little yawn!

I'm pretty sure I have a 3D ultrasound picture that looks
exactly like this one... foot right by his face and all!
Love those chunky che

The cozy little place he used to call home...

It was so much fun to actually put him in the belly cast and see how he fit now that he has joined us outside the belly! He really seemed comfy and cozy in there! Back when we were making this cast I said I was going to paint it and use it for some sort of decoration or something, but you can guess where it is now located right? In the attic. Ha! One day I'll take it down and do something creative with it!!! For now, I am just all consumed with my new sweet little boy. He is now 4 weeks old and weighs a whopping 11 pounds, 8 ounces(90th percentile!) and is 22 and 1/2 inches long(75-90th percentile!). Oh, and his head measures 38centimeters(50th percentile!). We were supposed to start the poly-vi-sol once a day after his 4 week check-up, but just like Hayden he was not having the poly-vi-sol. We might try again, but for now... no poly-vi-sol. Dr. Papciak just said to make sure he gets some sun light... so walks outside it is for us!:)


Tiz said...

How precious!!

Kimberly said...

This is adorable! I love the idea!