Sunday, July 19, 2009

Let's swim!

A couple of weeks ago Hayden started his first swim lessons and they are so cute! I don't think he will be swimming like a fish when they are over, but they are definitely providing us with a lot of fun on Monday and Wednesday mornings! We sing lots of songs and play lots of swimming games in the water. Hayden has done great so far. His favorite things are the motorboat and Humpty Dumpty. They give us a little kick board for the kids to use and we push them around the water while they are riding. We sing a little motorboat song while pushing them around... it is really cute. Hayden really loves this activity, especially when we push the motorboad FAST!!! Another activity he seems to enjoy is Humpty Dumpty. We sit the kids(who we call Humpty Dumpty at this time!) on the edge of the pool(Humpty's wall!) and then Humpty(Hayden) falls off the wall. I basically pull him off the side of the pool, but Hayden literally puts his arms out and leans forward waiting for me to catch him from the fall! It is so cute that he knows what is coming! We also swim for duckies, learn how to float on our backs, play ring around the rosies, do the hokey pokey, play with a ball, blow bubbles, splash around, paddle, kick and even sing some more songs. Hard to believe all that can fit in one 30 minute class huh?!? Hayden and I even splashed around in a little water sprinkler last week! Although he isn't going to be a swimmer when the classes are over, it is fun to play around in the water for 30 minutes twice a week. We are taking the class with a couple of our friends so it is fun for both Mommy and Hayden! Matt has gotten to come to a couple of the lessons which was nice. He was able to get quite a few pictures for us... everyone knows how excited I was about this!!! He will be swimming with Hayden on his lesson tomorrow... I know Hayden is pumped to be going to class with Daddy!

Hayden on his motorboat!

Swimming for his ducky

Posing for a picture with Ellie and Kimmie...
two of our friends in the class!

OK, so sometimes I get a little more excited than
Hayden during the class... I am sure his
face didn't quite match mine!!!!

These were taken when Humpty fell off of the wall...

This is Humpty swimming back to the wall!!

Mommy and Hayden splashing in the water

Ellie, Peyton and Hayden right before class... can't
you tell they are ready to get in that water?!?

Ms. Deb(our teacher) and Hayden

Practicing our floating... Hayden almost fell asleep
during this exercise on the first day.
It was the funniest thing ever!

Posing again... this time Heather and Peyton
made it for the pic!

Kicking those feet...

We were supposed to be paddling here,but
as you can see Hayden was enjoying his
hands far to much to even think about

I promise he had just as much fun as me!


Kimberly said...

Swim class is so much fun and Hayden is great at it!!! I can't wait to see Matt with him tomorrow! He better sing the songs! :)

The Blakelys said...

Love the pictures! When Jackson was 6months I started Kindermusik classes with him. It was lots of movements, songs and instruments. We both loved it and had lots of fun! I know that you and Hayden are both having so much fun!

Gigi said...

What a hoot! Are you sure he is having as much fun as you? I can't wait to see a video of him swimming and you acting like a nut! Can you believe he did Humpty Dumpty off of our couch? Fearless little rascal! It's no wonder he did so well floating on his back with all his buoyancy! Loved all the pics!