Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who's counting?!?

Me of course! Happy 7 months Hayden! Time is still going by so fast and it seems like we are never going to slow down. Hayden seems to learn something new everyday. He is getting so close to crawling which is adorable to watch. When I put a toy down in front of him he does everything in his power to get to that toy... I could watch him do it all day long! I know once he takes off I am going to have my hands full, because he wants to go, go, go just like me! Between Hayden and Sydney, I will be chasing something from the time I get up to the time I go to bed! Here are some of Hayden's new likes and dislikes.

What Hayden likes:
- Playing - okay so eating used to be #1 but it is slowly getting taken over by playing! Hayden absolutely loves for someone to sit with him and play or even just watch him play. He just wants you to interact with him, which I think is great. Yes it can be tiring, but it is still a lot of fun. Mommy and Daddy are definitely his favorite toys!!
- Eating - and I even mean baby food people! I would have never guessed this would have been on his "likes" based on how eating solid foods started, but it most certainly is! He still likes his breast milk more, but he really does enjoy the variety now. He has had almost all of the stage 1 foods(I know, we are slow!), so maybe in the next few weeks he'll get to try some stage 2's! Oh and I thought I should note his favorites seem to be bananas and carrots(the one's I made!!!). He eats all of it, but he seems to really like those!
- Baby Einstein DVD's - I finally let him watch a DVD at 6 months and he really likes it. He watches Baby's First Sounds and Baby da Vinci and enjoys them both. He sometimes even makes it through all 30 minutes! I usually watch them with him and we name all the body parts and sing all the songs together, but there are times I am able to leave the room and he will watch it right by himself! I don't know how they even hold his attention because they are not very good... but he thinks they are the greatest thing ever. He will even try to mimic the sounds they are making.... SOOOO cute I might add! I have also caught him watching them on his tummy which is cute because he used to hate even being on his tummy, but now he seems to enjoy it!
- Sitting up - if you remember from the 6 month post he was not too sure about this one, but now he has it down! He will sit and play with his little toys and read his books. It is so much easier now that he can sit on his own... and he really likes it!
- Toys - besides Mommy and Daddy, his favorites right now are his jumper, an interactive leap frog toy(I can't remember the exact name of it but he loves it), balls, and his walker. The walker is cool because he can actually walk with it if you help him, but it is also a little "band" for him to play with while he is sitting. I love things that serve two purposes! Matt and I catch ourselves singing the songs from these toys all day long... they are kinda catchy!!
- Books - he is all about turning the pages of his books and babbling. Oh, and he tends to babble the words at the highest level his voice can reach!! I guess he is our child... a talk, talk, talker!!! He also enjoys trying to eat the books!
- Water - he has always liked bath time(I even let him have bubbles now!), but now that we have introduced him to the pool and lake he seems to like it even more. Well, at first he has to warm up to the temp(of the pool that is), but once that is out of the way it is all fun and splashing! We start swimming lessons on Monday so I will let you know how that goes!!

What Hayden dislikes:
- Waiting for his food to be made - okay so this is my mistake, I should always have it made before I put him in the highchair, but sometimes that is just not possible! When he has to wait on me to get it ready boy do I pay! I have a feeling we are going to always have snacks when he gets older and we are waiting on food at a restaurant!
- Independent play time - just wanted to list this so you all knew it hasn't changed... we still need to be right there with him!!!

What Hayden is not sure about:
-No,No - usually when I get on to him about something(right now the only thing is when he screams at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason!) I tell him no, no and normally he stops. Sometimes, on the other hand, he decides it is the funniest thing he has ever heard and just laughs out loud. I guess either way it is stopping the screaming, but maybe that is a sign he isn't quite sure what no, no means yet!!!
- His tougue - he hasn't quite figured out everything it can do yet, but he is working on it! He actually seems fascinated by it. You can see the wheels in his head turning when he is trying to get it to do something and can't quite figure it out. This mostly happens when he is trying to say something you have said or do something with his mouth you have done. He has definitely figured out how to use it to spit his food all over me!

So, I couldn't think of many dislikes... he is just such a happy little boy! Here are some pics of him at 7 months...

Sweet boy

I love my rocker...

Look at all these bubbles!

Can I get back to playing now?

People watching...

My nightly reading

A shot from above

Do you think I look like my Grandaddy/Pawpaw?

Trying to crawl

These hats give me great shade Mom!

Big blue eyes


Tiz said...

Oh my he has changed so much since the last time I saw him. He is so adorable. I can't wait to see that stinker again!!!! :)

Katie Reeder said...

He is so dang cute! We need to get together for dinner again soon. I'll cook this time:). I want to see all of Hayden's new tricks!!

Kimberly said...

I love his new rocker! He is just SO cute! Growing, growing, growing!

Gigi said...

What'd I say.....Carrots would be a favorite....just like they were for you! We are so excited he is trying out his rocker. He looks like such a big boy sitting in it!