Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A picture can say a thousand words....

I love how you can't even see his hands... hilarious!

Especially when you have Kahlia taking them! A good friend of ours, Kahlia Mitchell, takes some of the best pictures ever! We were lucky enough to have her shoot some of Hayden back at 16 months and I am soooo glad we got to do it. Hayden loves her, and she definitely has a knack for bringing out the best in him. I must add here that I did have to go to some pretty extreme measures to get him to participate in some of these poses, but it was well worth it! The people downtown probably thought I was a lunatic, but it sure made for some great photos!:) I say a picture can say a thousand words because sometimes you look at a picture and think, "Oh, nice picture", and other times you look at a picture and an entire story fills your brain. These pictures create stories for me. I often find myself looking at these images just imagining what Hayden was thinking while the camera was going off. My imagination has created a multitude of stories just from looking at one single still shot. The single image that was captured just says so much. I could probably write stories for each of them(some about Hayden and some about what the picture of Hayden makes me think about), but we'll just stick with captions for posting purposes... I don't think you want to hear all my made up stories! Here are some of our favorites...

This one is Gigi's favorite... it is SO Hayden! Oh, and if you know
my Grandaddy, you can totally see him in Hayden in this pic!

He likes to take his shoes off even in photo shoots!

And hats... he loves, loves, loves to take off his hats!!!

Our big ONE year old!

I don't know how it worked out this way,
but I love that you can see his little belt!

One very happy little boy!

Awwww... poor guy!

This was one of those times where everyone downtown
was making fun of me for how I was acting!
Hey, I got the laugh didn't I!?!

Doesn't he look like one of those old paper route boys in this pic?!?

This messy hair just cracks me up!

Oh, how I love this face!

And this little collage just captures it all...
one facial expression at a time!

Thank you a million times Kahlia! I love them all... to think these are just some of my favorites! As you can imagine, I have them up all over the house and they look great!! You can see more of Kahlia's work at If you ever need a photographer just let me know... she's definitely at the top of my list!:) I can't wait for us to do it all over again soon!


Kimberly said...

She did a great job! I love them!

Tiz said...

He is adorable! I could stare at these pictures all day!! :-)