Thursday, June 4, 2009

Here's the update...

Well, as most of you know, today was Hayden's 6 month check-up, and the day he got to start on baby food! It was quite an eventful day for us, full of cameras and camcorders!

I took these pics last night before his bath... I have always wondered if our scale was as accurate as the one at the doctors office, so this was a great way for me to find out!! Don't worry, the picture with Hayden actually looking at the camera was taken after the weight had already flashed off the scale... isn't that how it always works?!? The next pic I took, I made sure to get a close up of the weight!!!

Our scale works!! Well, it didn't get it right down to the ounce, but who knows, maybe he ate more this morning!! So, Hayden weighed 16 pounds, 5 and 1/4 ounces and he measured 26 and 1/2 inches long. He was in the 25-50% in both categories. We were in the room waiting for the doctor for a few minutes, and had to find some entertainment and this is what we came up with...

You just get the paper they put down on the table and wrap it around your child, and then place them in front of the mirror! It worked like a charm for us... Hayden never even knew there was a wait!!! The appointment went great... Dr. Papciak gave Hayden a thumbs up and said everything was going good. He even told us how much he was going to love getting to eat baby food!

HE WAS WRONG!!! So, after the much anticipated first food, Hayden doesn't seem to like it. We tried giving him some bananas, but he didn't want any part of it. As a matter of fact, the most he even tried it was when he decided to pick up the spoon and feed himself. But, as you can see by his face, he didn't like that too much either! We got it all on video, and it is really funny to watch. The faces he makes while getting his first "tastes" are priceless! We will be trying rice cereal in the morning, so maybe we'll have better luck with that. I made that one myself, so maybe he just wants some of Momma's home cookin'!!!

This is what he looked like before he got mad at us for giving him bananas! I swear he was excited about the idea of getting the food... it just didn't turn out to be as good as he was thinking it was going to be!:( Maybe tomorrow will be better for him. I am just hoping to see a smile after the cereal!


Kimberly said...

I love it! What cute pics.! Ellie is slowly catching up to Hayden. She was 15.6 lbs.

Also, she hated the food at first too! Just keep working with it...I bet he'll love it before long. However, my child hates the homemade stuff I make her but loves the jar food. Weird, I know! I keep making it though--I'm determined to get her to like my cooking! hehe! :)The "yuck" faces are priceless.

Gigi said...

Hayden....shame on have your mother in a state of confusion! In her mind, the food should have been love at first bite. Of course, I would worry to if I had a skinny, malnourished youngin' like yourself! You hang in there bud....she'll get past this! I think you are going to like momma's cooking the best if you will forget about nursing for hmmm, I don't know...maybe 30 seconds? I predict carrots to be your new food of choice!

Tiz said...

The picture on the scale is the cutest pic I have seen! Too bad he didn't like the food...After seeing the way he eyes our food when we eat at the table, I thought he would love it!