Monday, June 1, 2009

Can you believe....

HAYDEN IS 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY!!!! I can't even believe I am saying this... it seems so weird to respond "He is 6 months" when asked how old he is. I am still wanting to say "He is 3 weeks!" Time goes by so quickly with a baby... you really have to live in the moment, and take it all in or you will most definitely miss it. I don't have his new weight and length yet, we have his 6 month appointment on Thursday so I will try to post that as soon as I know. Here are some new Hayden likes and dislikes for you!

What Hayden likes:
- Food - still nursing only, but he is still loving it! He gets his first "real" food Thursday... we are all really excited. I know he is REALLY going to love it!
- His jumper - he will sometimes play in this for hours out of the day(not all at once!)... he really loves it. It is so cute to watch him jump up and down and play with all the toys attached!
- Bedtime stories - He actually turns the pages for me... it is the cutest thing ever!
- Bath time - both the bathroom and the person giving the bath get just as wet as Hayden. What can I say? The boy LOVES to make a good splash!
- Talking - although we don't have a clue what he is saying, he sure enjoys having a conversation with us!
- Teething toys - he puts just about anything he can get his hands on in his mouth, but he especially loves the frozen toys... maybe we'll be seeing a tooth soon?!?
- Rolling around - he isn't crawling yet, but every once in a while he seems to find his way around by rolling there! I guess it won't be much longer before we are chasing him around the house!

What Hayden dislikes:
- Seat belts - he absolutely cannot stand to be buckled into his car seat. He is fine once you have him buckled, but the actual act of buckling him in is quite a task!
- Independent play time - I am thinking this may be on his dislike list for the rest of his life... any advice?!? HaHa!

What Hayden is not sure about:
- Sydney's kisses - sometimes he gets right in her face and opens his mouth for a kiss, and other times he swats at her to get her away... he can't make up his mind!!
- Sitting up - now that he can sit up on his own, he is no
t sure he always wants to be doing it on his own! Sometimes he wants to be sitting all by himself playing with his toys, but other times he cries when you go to sit him down alone. He still likes sitting in his Bumbo which is nice, but most of the time if he is not wanting to sit up on his own, he is wanting us to hold him!!
- Tummy time - he still fights it a little bit, but for the
past week or so I have found him sleeping on his tummy every time I check on him.... I guess he is starting to figure out it is a good way to sleep!!

He is constantly changing and growing and we are loving every minute of it! Here are some new pictures for you to enjoy!!

Happy Hayden

Syd went from sitting nicely to giving
away kisses... this was one of those
times where he didn't mind!!!

Hayden's "show me those teeth" smile!!
(yes he is already doing the smile
before he has the teeth!!!)

Admiring the grass...

Seconds before a huge splash!

Say "cheese"!!

Daddy and Hayden

Off to dreamland...

Talk, talk, talk

Just reading my book...

Somebody save me!!!

Sweet boy

Mommy and Hayden

Sometimes he just has to stand...
I bet I seem so tall to him!!!

This sun is too bright Mama

Gotta love that laugh...

He loves to show us his tongue!!

Playing with Mommy!

Happy 1/2 Birthday Hayden! We love you!!!


Gigi said...

Happy 1/2 Birthday big-boy Hayden! GiGi and Paw Paw are so excited you are learning new things everyday! We love you bunches!!!

Kimberly said...

How cute is he??!!!! Good luck on the independent play---let me know if you get any good advice. :) Maybe he just LOVES his mommy too much to see you go!!!

Tiz said...

Great pictures! I love seeing him read his book! He is way too cute. I hope I get to see him soon.

Jennifer said...

Happy 1/2 birthday Hayden!!
Jennifer, he is precious! I think he looks like your Mama (GiGi). My baby is turning 3 this month - you have NO idea how fast the time flies!