Sunday, June 21, 2009

Water, water everywhere... and a TOOTH!!

As you can tell by the title, Hayden is getting in his first tooth! Last week(Wednesday June 10th to be exact!) at dinner I noticed his bottom front right tooth was starting to come in. I tried getting a picture of it....

Hayden's first tooth!

It hasn't made it all the way up, but it has broken through the gum. It looks like he may even be getting the one next to it in as well, it just hasn't broken through yet! I don't know why I thought this was so important I should blog about it, but for some reason I was SO excited! I am sure the way I acted about this tooth was hilarious to Hayden, because I made the biggest deal about it. When he can start forming sentences I will ask him what he was thinking since I couldn't really understand what he was saying when it was happening! I'll give you an update on that when he tells me!!! Surprisingly, the tooth isn't the only exciting thing that has been going on in the Ronn household lately. We have been getting to spend quite a bit of time in the water which has been a lot of fun. We have been spending tons of time at the pool, and even been to the lake a few times as well. It has been so much fun. We have all been having a blast! I was a little nervous the first time we took Hayden to the lake, but he LOVED it. He really likes riding on the boat... so much he falls asleep every time! He hasn't been in the water yet(just with me on a float), but maybe we'll attempt that next time! The whole can't touch the bottom thing is a little tricky for me!! I'm sure he will like the water though, because it is much warmer than the pool! When we first put him in the pool he usually puckers that lip getting ready to cry... it is just so cold! He is getting more used to it now, but at first he never wanted to get in the water. Once I sit with him for a while and let him warm up to the temperature he is good to go, but the first few minutes is always an adventure! I must also mention the oh so fun bath since I am talking all about water! Bath time has always been fun in our house, but now Hayden is starting to play much more in the bath. I usually give him a few toys and we have a little "party" in the tub! I think I like bath time almost as much as Hayden! I have been taking tons of pics...

Fun in the sun!

Hayden's first trip down the slide!!!

Hayden and Peyton at the lake

I can still wake board...

Matt is just MUCH better!!!

Crash landing!!

Fun times in the tub...

Fun with friends...

Just chillin' at the lake...

Gotta love the pool!


Fun at the lake!

Family time

This is what I call RELAXED!


Tiz said...

You look good on the wakeboard Jenn!!! :-) I love Hayden's mowhawk on the boat..ha ha.

Gigi said...

I LOVE the tooth of my favorites! Jennifer...I can't believe you can ski on the wakeboard!

Gigi said...

Oh my goodness....I had to come back and comment on the ZZZZZZZ picture. Love it! Just love it!