Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One year ago today...

The Ronn's joined the blogging world! I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't really know what to expect when I first started, but I did it because I knew I would enjoy looking back on it. It was actually Matt's great idea, and I tell him quite often it has been one of the greatest things he has ever suggested!:) I really like having everything documented and love that our friends and family get to be a part of our everyday lives. When I first started I didn't really know how long it would last... a week, a month, a few months. I would have never guessed I would still be doing it a year later, but it looks like I'm here to stay. At least for a while that is. I'm sure the day will come when it's over and I honestly thought that day would have already been here, but I have surprised myself(and probably a lot of you) and kept right on blogging!! Thanks to our friend Rebecca we are even going to have the blog printed each year. Rebecca also has a blog and she found out about this site, Blurb, that will print your blog for you. She shared the info with us and we are so excited. I can't wait to have our yearly blog in a hardback book to keep forever. It's going to be a REAL book that tells a real story... our story!:) It's amazing to look back over just one little year.... especially with a new life in the picture. Remember my very first blog? You can see it here: The blogging world.... It was back when Hayden had graduated from his cradle to his crib, and he was 6 weeks old. Now, he's 13 months old and I'm blogging about him graduating from crawling to walking! Crazy huh?!? A lot happens in a year!!! I've had fun sharing part of our lives with you through the blog and look forward to many more posts in the future. For now, I've got some cute standing and walking pictures for ya, and even and few Sydney pics! Enjoy!

Happiest boy I know!!

I see you Mommy...

Racing for the fridge magnets!

We finally took Hayden and Sydney to the Big Creek Greenway Trail
today and I snapped a few pics! I don't know what he was looking
at but something definitely caught his eye. The greenway was
a ton of fun by the way... we can't wait to go back!

YES, he still grits those teeth!

Look at me, look at me!

Walking and talking... what Hayden does best!

Sydney had a big time on our walk... she
especially loved looking over the edge!

This is the face you get right after a game of peek-a-boo when
he knows you were just playing with him to get a pic!!!
Awwww man... it was a trick!

It was so cute I just had to blow it up! That's right Hayden...
I tricked you into a game
of peek-a-boo!!!

Walking is quite possibly the cutest thing ever!


Tiz said...

Oh! He changes so much each time you post...You are amazing at blogging. I appreciate all you have done to keep us informed of how much he is growing. However, each time I check the blog I miss him more and more. Hayden: When is your first trip to see Aunti Tiz? We will go to Disney, the beach, Busch Gardens, etc. I know you can't wait!!! :-)

Gigi said...

He is so adorable walking! I am so thankful you took Matt's advice and decided to giving blogging a try. It has proved to be an invaluable resource. You are preserving some very precious memories!